A child is not a vessel to be filled, but a lamp to be lit.
Every child is like a seed which has the potential to grow if it is nourished with love and care.
We at Shantiniketan Public School try to ensure that the children not only exceled
academically but also stress upon the overall development of the child’s personality, so that
he may grow up into a courteous, disciplined and a well-groomed human being with proper
Year after year the efforts of our dedicated staff and students have taken the school to greater
heights and preserved the Legacy of Excellence as well. Today we stand as one of the noted
landmarks in the heart of the city. We offer our students stress free learning environment and
holistic education, so that they evolve as self-motivated, creative, and independent
individuals, who can be future leaders of the country, capable of taking their own decisions.
We are always open to your valuable and refreshing views so that we can add more value to
the teaching and learning process of our school.
Best Wishes