• 7208649845 / 9321447600
  • shantiniketan75@yahoo.com / pspspanvel@gmail.com

A Word to The Parent

Dear Parents
We are living in a fast-changing world. The pace of change is indeed so fast that almost
everything seems to be in transformation mode. Since education cannot exist on isolation, the
system needs to take cognizance of these developments. In emerging global dynamics,
educators have to play the role of change mangers.
Education all over the world is undergoing a radical shift. Knowledge is no longer
constrained by time and space. It has expanded beyond the walls of classrooms. In our
school, continuous mentoring, monitoring and evaluation of the learning environment is done
to ensure that required intellectual stimulation is provided to the young minds. The youth of

today exhibits unparalleled genius and is to be prepared for global stage. Hence, our
pedagogical practices have been shifted from teaching to earning.
One of the salient features of our school is the value orientation. Our school aims at grooming
the students into ethical principled leaders of tomorrow, whose thoughts and actions are
deeply embedded in the values and culture of our land.
We set our benchmarks, continuously strive to achieve them and elevate ourselves to higher
plans. This practice has made Shantiniketan School the Centre of Excellence. However,
learning, evolving and effort will never cease.
I am pleased to mention that the parent community in our school has been a pillar of support
throughout. Thank you, dear parents, for always standing by our side.
I look forward to furthering this bond in future.
You may also visit the school website to learn more about our endeavors.
Best Wishes
Shri Rajesh S. Pawar